Mixing Alcohol And Marijuana

Alcohol and marijuana are two of the most commonly used substances in the United States, with 17% of Americans stating that they smoke marijuana and 62% of American adults saying that they currently drink alcohol. Even if someone is not a current user of alcohol or marijuana, is it likely that they have tried it at some point; 52% of Americans report that they have tried marijuana and 86% report that they have tried alcohol at some point in their lives. Used alone and in moderation, these substances can be consumed safely and legally in certain states. However, when mixed together, alcohol and marijuana can create unpleasant side effects.

Drinking alcohol before smoking marijuana increases the absorption of the mind-altering chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in marijuana and can intensify the drug’s effects. Studies have demonstrated that if someone drinks alcohol and then smokes marijuana, it produces “significantly higher blood concentrations of cannabis’s main psychoactive constituent, THC, as well as THC’s primary active metabolite than cannabis use alone.”

Effects Of Alcohol And Marijuana

Marijuana contains THC that gives users a high feeling. Marijuana can be consumed in many ways; it can be smoked, vaporized, rubbed on the skin, or added to food. Depending on the method in which marijuana is consumed, the user can start feeling effects within minutes.

Depending on the individual and the amount consumed, users may experience altered senses (such as seeing brighter colors and have an altered sense of time) as well as have issues with cognition. There have been reports of delusions and hallucinations when taken in high doses. Although it is possible to experience negative side effects from marijuana, such as anxiety and paranoia, the drug is considered generally safe and non-life threatening.

Despite the fact that alcohol is legal for people over the age of 21, it can be dangerous and deadly in both the short and the long term. Typically, 1 or 2 drinks will produce feelings of relaxation and reduced inhibitions; more drinks can lead to negative side effects. The effects of alcohol are influenced by the height, weight, gender, and tolerance of the person drinking as well as factors like if they have eaten or not before drinking. Someone drinking alcohol may experience slurred speech, distorted vision and hearing, drowsiness, and nausea and vomiting. Alcohol poisoning can also occur, which can be deadly if not treated. There are many long-term health risks of alcohol abuse such as heart-related diseases, liver disease, and unintentional injuries. The risk of injuries can be increased when someone chooses to mix alcohol and marijuana.

Dangers Of Mixing Alcohol And Marijuana

A study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information found that people who use both marijuana and drink alcohol tend to do so at the same time. The use of both substances was also associated with drinking a larger amount of alcohol more frequently.

Compared to solely drinking alcohol, using the two substances at the same time doubled the odds of drunk driving, social consequences, and harm to self. Those who used alcohol and marijuana were more likely to drive unsafely than those who used alcohol and marijuana separately. They were also more likely to use the substances in a bar or party context, making it more likely that they would have to drive somewhere afterwards. The study authors found that people who felt “stressed, angry, tired, and/or out of control” were more likely to use both substances at the same time.

Using substances to cope with negative feelings may be a sign of a substance use disorder. Drinking large amounts of alcohol in a short amount of time can lead to alcohol poisoning, where critical parts of the brain that control breathing, heart rate, and temperature can shut down, leading to death. Because more alcohol is usually consumed when using alcohol and marijuana at the same time, users are at risk for alcohol poisoning and should pay close attention to how much they are consuming.

Getting “Cross-Faded”

Getting drunk from alcohol and high from marijuana at the same time is often referred to as being cross-faded. Other slang terms used to describe the mixture include:

  • Crunk
  • Faded
  • Blitzed
  • Blasted

In a survey of young adults aged 18 to 23, being cross-faded “was seen as moderately risky and not desirable by most.” However, over 18% of respondents stated that being cross-faded was desirable. Marijuana impacts each individual differently; for some, getting cross-faded may not be uncomfortable. However, others may experience negative effects.

Often referred to as “greening out,” alcohol and marijuana users can have an undesirable reaction when combining the two substances. Physical symptoms like nausea and vomiting are common, as well as sweating and dizziness. Psychological symptoms may occur such as anxiety and distress.

These symptoms can be even more intense if the marijuana is consumed as an edible. When marijuana is baked into or added to food and then eaten, it takes time for the food to digest and for the user to start experiencing effects. This delayed onset may cause the user to consume more than intended, creating a longer, more intense high. In extreme cases of consuming edibles, people have experienced hallucinations, delusions, and other psychotic reactions. Using marijuana before drinking alcohol may make it difficult to gauge how intoxicated the user is from alcohol, potentially leading to dangerous situations like driving under the influence.

Featured Treatment Centers Offering Treatment for Alcohol & Marijuana Addiction

Find Support For Alcohol And Drug Abuse

An addiction to alcohol is something that should be taken seriously, and it is important to know the signs of alcohol addiction to determine if you or your loved one is struggling. A craving for alcohol, wanting to cut back but being unable to, having your professional or personal life affected by alcohol, and developing a tolerance to alcohol are all signs of an alcohol use disorder. If you are concerned about your drinking habits, take our free alcohol assessment to determine if you’d benefit from alcohol addiction treatment.

It is commonly known that alcohol is addictive, but there is debate over whether marijuana can be considered addictive. It is possible to experience marijuana withdrawal, where a person experiences cravings, restlessness, mood and sleep disturbances, and irritability when they don’t use the drug. If alcohol or marijuana is negatively impacting your life and you seem unable to quit on your own, help is available. Contact a treatment provider today to learn more about available treatment options.