Are Electronics Allowed In Drug Rehab?
Whether or not electronics are allowed in drug rehab varies for each treatment center and depends on many factors, like whether they will benefit or hinder your recovery. There are advantages and disadvantages to having electronics during recovery treatment.
What Are The Rules For Phones And Other Electronics In Rehab?
Every drug rehab establishes policies regarding the use of electronics. These rules are made to protect residents, prevent relapse, and give them the best possible outcomes. Electronics is a broad term that often includes:
- Cell phones
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Access to the internet
- Television
- Other digital devices
A few standard rules for phones and other electronics while in rehab include:
- You are only allowed to use phones and electronics during specified times set by the facility.
- You cannot use phones or electronics for the first few weeks until you have adjusted to being sober.
- You may be able to use electronics under the supervision of staff.
- You may have to store your phone and electronics in designated areas.
There are pros and cons to allowing electronics while in rehab. Some rehabs may allow more cell phone and electronic usage as you move forward in recovery. Usage may be given as a reward for meeting treatment milestones.
Luxury rehabs are more lenient regarding electronics; however, these rehabs can be more expensive, especially if insurance does not cover all the fees.
Are Phones Allowed In Rehab?
Cell phones are typically allowed in rehab. However, there are stringent rules about when and where someone can use their cell phone. Treatment centers understand there are benefits to allowing cell phones in rehab, like the following:
- To deter someone from leaving treatment because they cannot talk to their family
- To help implement digital recovery programs that someone can use before and after discharge
- To protect someone’s right to have private property
Even rehabs that allow cell phones will restrict when and where residents can use them and how they are used. Upon entering treatment, rehabs may not allow the use of cell phones during the first week, which is a vulnerable time for residents. Allowing them to talk on their phones too soon may result in leaving against medical advice or relapsing.
Other restrictions may include:
- Limiting use to one hour or less per day
- Prohibiting taking pictures or videos
- Using cell phones in a public area, not in private
- Denying the use of cell phones at any time to keep residents safe and focused on treatment
While cell phones have some benefits in recovery, like reaching out to a support person, they are primarily a distraction. Calling a person who does not support your recovery could trigger cravings, impulsive decisions, and relapse. Further, someone can become addicted to their cell phone or the internet if they spend too much time on their device.
Often, residents can focus on progressing in their recovery better without the temptation of getting on a cell phone.
Can I Bring My Laptop Or Computer To Rehab?
Some rehabs allow a person to bring their laptop to rehab, but they must store it upon arrival. As someone makes progress, they may gain access to their computer. Below are scenarios when computer access is beneficial while in treatment.
Contingency Management (CM)
Contingency management is a form of behavioral therapy that rewards residents when they reach milestones in their treatment plan, like staying sober for a specific number of days or completing steps in a 12-step facilitation program. Rewards can include extra free time, tokens, or spending time on a computer.
Contingency management’s effectiveness is universal and not based on personal characteristics, substance misuse, or mental or physical health problems. It is a program that complements most traditional and alternative therapies.
Completing Work Tasks
Many people entering drug rehab are employed at the time and wish to maintain employment after they complete the program. Some rehabs understand the importance of staying connected to their jobs, as it can motivate them to reach treatment goals successfully, and will allow computer access.
Employment is a critical factor in recovery. Finding employment after rehab is a priority in an aftercare plan because it has been shown to lead to more extended periods of abstinence and higher productivity, a win-win for employers and employees.
Do Rehabs Have Internet Access And Wi-Fi?
Yes, drug rehabs have access to the internet and Wi-Fi, but it is often restricted to treatment center staff. Residents can connect to Wi-Fi only when contacting loved ones, employers, attorneys, probation officers, or others who require updates on treatment progress.
Accessing the internet can sometimes do more harm than good and can lead to addiction. Global estimates of internet-type addictions include the following:
- 17.41% have social media addictions.
- 14.22% have internet addictions.
- 8.2% have cybersex addictions.
- 6.4% have online gaming addictions.
Temptations like these can impede a person’s progress in drug rehab. Therefore, most rehabs have strict rules regarding internet and Wi-Fi access.
Will I Be Able To Watch Television Or Movies While In Rehab?
While most rehabs allow residents to watch television and movies, they may limit the days and times to prevent interruptions and distractions from what is most important: recovery.
Also, rehabs do not offer access to numerous television channels, only those that will not trigger cravings or make it difficult for someone to remain in treatment. Watching movies is often restricted to motivational movies in the rehab’s library.
Common Questions About Rehab
Electronics That Are Allowed In Rehab
All drug rehabs provide a specific list of items to bring to treatment and items to leave at home. It is crucial to follow this list to avoid any complications upon admission. Electronics that you are typically allowed to keep with you in rehab include the following:
- Hair dryers
- Grooming tools
- Curling irons
Electronics and even grooming tools must be safe. If the treatment facility deems them unsafe or feels as if they may distract you from the program, they will store them in a designated area, allowing you to use them later in recovery. Electronics that you are not typically allowed to keep with you initially while in rehab include:
- Cell phones
- Laptop or tablet
- Music players
- DVDs, TVs, movie players
Do not expect to be able to keep electronics when entering rehab. Staff will collect the items and store them in a safe space. Therapists and other treatment team members will determine when someone can access their electronics during the day. Many rehabs return electronics to residents after a specific holding period. It is important to note that rehabs do not have charging cords or docks on-site, so it is up to residents to furnish those if they plan to use electronics.
Electronics That Are Not Allowed In Rehabs
The electronics not allowed will vary by rehab and may include some of the items that are allowed somewhere else. One rehab may allow cell phones, while others prohibit them.
Typical electronics that rehabs do not allow residents to bring in include:
- Digital cameras
- Televisions
- Gaming consoles
- Smartwatches
- Cell phones that don’t require Wi-Fi
- Wireless GPS or tracking devices
- Wireless chargers
- Bluetooth enabled devices
- E-readers
Some devices seem harmless, like E-readers, including Kindles, and most of the time, they are. However, the material you read must be appropriate for and supportive of recovery. Your reading material will likely need approval from your therapist to ensure it will not interfere with your healing.
If having electronics while in treatment for substance abuse is preventing someone from entering rehab, they may have a bigger problem than suspected. They may even have an addiction to electronics, which supports the need for immediate treatment.
Why Are There Restrictions On Electronics In Rehab?
Being able to focus on healing and maintaining abstinence is the top priority in drug rehab. Anything that may interfere with learning recovery skills will likely be forbidden. Principles regarding effective treatment include the following, which require an environment free of distractions and limitations:
- Treatment focuses on all of a person’s needs, not just drug or alcohol misuse.
- Treatment plans vary for each person in drug rehab.
- The longer someone remains in treatment, the more likely they will experience successful outcomes.
- Recovery occurs in various stages that distractions like electronics may hinder.
- Some electronics provide temptations that are hard to resist, leading to early discharge and eventual relapse.
Get Help Today
Before you begin searching for drug rehab, make a list of the amenities you prefer, such as being able to access electronics. Keep in mind that you are entering drug rehab to overcome a substance use disorder and your overall well-being should be prioritized above all else. You deserve all the benefits of treatment, and those not involving electronics may be the best.
If you are ready to explore your treatment options, visit our rehab directory or contact a treatment provider today. Once you’ve narrowed down your list, you can contact the center directly to discuss their electronics policies.