How Do I Know It’s Time?

It is difficult to know when there’s a need for an intervention. By simply talking to the person in question and being honest, many believe that they can change their loved one’s mind.

Unfortunately, it rarely works out that way. When addiction is severe, also known as the “point of no return,” people consciously decide that they have a problem yet do not take action. Once an individual has reached this stage of addiction, that is when intervention is needed. At the “point of no return,” loved ones can do nothing but deliver ultimatums and have a thorough discussion. Still, although an interventionist can help guide a conversation, the choice to attend rehab and go through detox is ultimately up to the addicted individual. Only the individual can decide if they want to walk the path towards recovery.

Staging interventions can work, but it is essential to recognize the signs of addiction first. If you’ve never been around someone battling a substance use disorder in the past, it can be challenging to spot the signs.

Below is a list of the most common signs of addiction.

Dodgy Behavior Patterns

When you know someone, it is easier to notice when something is amiss. The individual’s behavior, schedule, and late-night destinations change. Seeing the shifts in routine is usually the first step towards evaluating whether addiction or something else is causing the sudden difference.

Increased Tolerance

Have they been refilling their prescription medication frequently? Do they need an extra few bottles of beer each night? Their body may be building up a tolerance to their substance abuse. Over time, the individual will require more to reach the same high or state of intoxication. As the person introduces more of the vice to their daily routine, they run a higher risk of overdosing.

Mental Fog

Forgetting things or taking longer to respond may be signs of mind fog due to drug or alcohol use disorders. It’s imperative not to brush this off as fatigue if the issue is consistent. Do not make excuses for their behavior; instead, pay attention to whether the problem persists or worsens.

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Changes In Appearance

We all have experienced lazy days where changing out of our pajamas seems tedious. However, when this becomes a habit, it may be due to either depression or addiction. More often than not, when a person’s substance abuse turns into the center of a person’s life, keeping up with appearances is the last thing on their mind. Personal hygiene, cleanliness, and self-care all become second to their fix.

Enhanced Emotions

Enhanced emotions usually manifest in the form of unchecked aggression or rage. If you ask the person in question where they’re headed, they may get agitated and defensive. People are typically not proud to be addicted to drugs. To avoid feelings of shame, many sneak out at night or choose to deny everything. Being accused, even silently, can immediately set them off to a level of explosive anger.

Barely Getting By

Drug addiction is certainly not cheap. Often, drug dealers entice new clients by offering their first few “sales” for free. However, once the potential client is hooked, dealers begin to charge high prices for their product. At this point, payment may become an issue. As money becomes harder to come by, their lifestyle might change; they will begin to borrow money or pawn their possessions. If the addiction is severe, the individual could lose their job and suffer financial difficulties.


People battling addiction face many psychological challenges. Some lose themselves due to shame. Others isolate themselves in their rooms, stop attending social events, and become difficult to reach or find.

Their Wellbeing

Fatal drug overdoses are reported every day in the United States, sometimes hourly. Interventions can be a very effective tool at roping loved ones back into reality. They help save lives and reinforce a sense of community. Choosing to stage an intervention, or hire an interventionist, however, isn’t an easy choice. It may feel stressful or like a form of betrayal. Still, if the fear of losing the person you love is greater than the anxiety of staging an intervention, then it’s time to initiate a meeting.

You’re Not The Only One Thinking It

If your family has been quiet about your loved one’s behavior, it may be out of fear or the inability to cope. However, more often than not, several other family members are also thinking the very same thing.

Bringing it out into the open may be a touchy subject. Still, it is essential to remember you’re only interested in helping your loved one, even if others may not see it that way. Do not wait until the addiction is severe. If you recognize patterns of addiction after reading the signs and symptoms, inform your family that it’s time for an intervention.

Types Of Interventions

There are 4 different types of interventions. The form of intervention used depends on the severity of the addiction and the personality of the addict.

One-On-One With A Loved One

If the issue is new and not severe, it could be beneficial for an influential family member to have a one-on-one conversation with the individual in need of help. In these situations, especially if the user is particularly fond of the family member, there’s a good chance that they will listen and submit to seeking help.

Classic Intervention

In a classic intervention, the most prominent members of the family concoct a plan. The setup is often created and executed with the assistance of a professional interventionist. These are tricky and intense since the individual in question may already be high or agitated. It is usually best to seek professional help.

Family System Intervention

There’s nothing more detrimental to a healing process than having other immediate family members hooked on the same substance. These can be some of the most challenging interventions to achieve. Individuals with substance use disorders may support one another and shrug off the concerns of their loved ones. Still, with the help of a professional, it is possible.

Interventions Rooted In Crisis

Recent, non-fatal overdoses are often the wake-up call that an individual needs to seek help. However, they shouldn’t go on this road alone. Though research proves that the trauma of a near-death experience helps people battling a substance use disorder, this isn’t always the case. What makes a true difference is the presence of loved ones, with the mindset of coaching them towards a clean life, can be one of the greatest tools for them to use in their road to recovery.

At What Stage Is It Too Late For An Intervention?

It’s never too late. When you know that your loved one is suffering, you should do something to help. As long as the individual is alive, an intervention is always a great choice. There’s never a wrong time to do something right.

The further an individual delves into their indulgences, the harder it is to pull them back. Therefore, it is imperative to take action quickly, though it will be a lot of work. This shouldn’t be discouraging—there’s still hope. There’s always hope.

Why An Interventionist Is Crucial

Seeking the guidance of a professional interventionist can change an intervention from a failure to success. There’s a need for an interventionist, whether it’s to keep parties communicating effectively to prevent enraged individuals from leaving or lashing out. It only takes one wrong step to set the entire process back, so most interventions are scripted. Before starting a meeting, a dialogue is chosen, a time frame is set, and an ultimatum is chosen. A tremendous amount of planning goes into the entire process.

What To Do When You Need To Stage An Intervention

To stage an intervention, the family, or friends must first choose a time and place. People do not usually walk into their intervention willingly. It is also essential to ensure that participants understand the delicate nature of the situation and that the group remains small. Each individual should keep their allotted time to speak short and sweet. The goal is to allow everyone to communicate while not making the person in question feel cornered. Having an immediate family or best friend present makes it easier for the individual to feel comfortable enough to listen and accept the situation. If you’d like more information, review our intervention guide for in-depth steps on successfully planning an intervention.

Interventionists can also help families during high-stress interventions. With the help of these professionals, the difficulty is manageable, and deliveries are more effective. If you or someone you know is ready to hold an intervention, consider asking for the support of an interventionist. They can help your friends and family properly time and organize the conversation. For more information on interventions or treatment in general, contact a treatment provider today.